November 14, 2007

Perky the Parrot

Perky the Parrot (so named by young Matt Fuhri) arrived on 19 September (same day as Cherpy). He had a broken leg with damaged tendons and ligaments. Strapping (as we did with Chomp) would therefore not have assisted him in his recovery. Perky stayed with the Fuhri’s for a while but he is now in Chomp’s old cage which is more suitable for him. Perky still has difficulty using the damaged foot which means that he cannot take care of himself in the wild. PiĆ©rre built Perky a “jungle gym” inside the cage to make it easier for him to move around. I feed him some of the indigenous berries/fruit that is naturally growing in my garden and a commercial parrot food blend that I mix with extra nuts, dates, etc. I also string fruit/veg/peanuts onto wire and hang it up for him to find and eat. It encourages him to exercise the foot and also practice a bit of flying around the cage while it keeps him busy and entertained. He seems in great spirits and has started eating from my hand. He is a Meyer’s Parrot and absolutely gorgeous!

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