February 25, 2007

Mud Glorious Mud!

What a mess! We went for a walk down to the lodge this morning and I got caught in a "soft spot" - sank ankle deep into the mud. It was really funny - Rachelle just about laughed her head off! I had quite a time cleaning up my shoes when I got home.

February 21, 2007

George the Chameleon

This is George having his lunch (a moth). He made himself at home at the Wolfenden house for a few days, where Emma, Amy and Leon took good care of him. Apparently George had a bit more spunk than his predecessor, Fred. George was released back into a tree after his visit. Wonder where George is now?

February 15, 2007

Cons Camp Bird List - 15/02/2007

For those of you who are interested, herewith a list of the birds that I've been seeing in our back garden since I moved here in October 2006. Some of these birds are migrants so they're not here all the time. I've put the Afrikaans name for each bird in brackets. - Chinspot Batis (Witliesbosbontrokkie) - Dark-Capped Bulbul (Swartoogtiptol) - Golden-breasted Bunting (Rooirugstreepkoppie) - Spotted Creeper (Boomkruiper) - African Cuckoo (Afrikaanse Koekoek) - Jacobin Cuckoo (Bontnuwejaarsvoel) - Red-chested Cuckoo (Piet-my-Vrou) - White-breasted Cuckooshrike (Witborskatakoeroe) - Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove (Groenvlekduifie) - Forktailed Drongo (Mikstertbyvanger) - African Paradise-Flycatcher (Paradysvlieevanger) - Southern Black Flycatcher (Swartvlieevanger) - Retz's Helmet-Shrike (Swarthelmlaksman) - White-crested Helmet-Shrike (Withelmlaksman) - African Hoopoe (Hoephoep) - Striped Kingfisher (Gestreepte Visvanger) - Rufous-cheeked Nightjar (Rooiwangnaguil) - African Golden Oriole (Afrikaanse Wielewaal) - Black-headed Oriole (Swartkopwielewaal) - Eurasian Golden Oriole (Europese Wielewaal) - Black-backed Puffback (Sneeubal) - Lesser Grey Shrike (Gryslaksman) - Violet-backed Starling (Witborsspreeu) - Groundscraper Thrush (Gevlekte Lyster) - Kurrichane Thrush (Rooibeklyster) - Red-headed Weaver (Rooikopwewer) - Bennett's Woodpecker (Bennettse Speg)

February 11, 2007

How About some Nicknames?

As you might well know, we've got a bit of a naming problem at the moment. We now have 3 gentlemen working on site who carry the same name : Henk. We have Henk Diederichs (he arrived first), then came Henk le Roux and believe it or not, new arrival Henk Botha. Now you must agree that it is a bit of a pain to have a conversation with someone where you have to keep on referring to whichever Henk by his first and surname (not to mention how confusing it can get on the radio channels). So come on guys - we need to give you some nicknames - Henk-1, Henk-2 and Henk-3 is just so boring. Either you come up with acceptable nicknames or we'll have to do it for you - risky, risky! Maybe Rachelle, Ilze and Mardi can suggest some suitable names? Apparently Mardi already has one for Henk-3 but he refuses to say what it is - come on - it can't be that bad (or is it that good?).

They Just Keep on Coming!

Some more great photos taken by Henk-1 at Malundwe Camp.

Plant Boxes

At last they're building my plant boxes (thanks guys!). Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for topsoil to get going with the planting. Already started a few herb seeds in yoghurt containers and they're doing well.

February 04, 2007

And Another

I just could not let photos like this go to waste. Darren Burggraaff came across this slicker at Malundwe. Aparently it was quite feisty. The guys recon it might be a cat-eyed tree snake.